An automation software made for businesses to generate

your own tax computation

at any time throughout the year

Calculate your tax at any time with just one click!

Consolidate your financial information easily
Determine your company's yearly, quarterly and monthly tax
Automatically generate your tax at any time
Carry out appropriate financial planning for your business

Who We Are

My Tax Companion was created to cater to companies who need to calculate their own tax. With close collaboration with Catalyst Tax Consultants Pte. Ltd., we have a team of capable tax practitioners and accountants working alongside our developers. As such, we have been able to develop a software that is right for your business.

Our team is constantly seeking to improve the way we can automate tax calculations, to shorten the time you need to calculate tax, to give you an accurate depiction of your tax status, so you can spend the time to make your important business decisions.

Our Unique Selling Points

• Calculate your tax on a monthly basis

• Automatically import information through Trial Balance

• Automatic calculation of Depreciation, ROU Assets, Finance Lease, Capital Allowances, etc

• Automatic optimization of claiming Capital Allowances/Deductions for S19A(10A) and S14N

• Able to rollforward information to a new financial year/period

• Able to generate tax computation with one click

Let us do the work for you!

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